hamzad amliyat


Rituals for hamzad are of six kinds, i shall not only explain the all six ways but also i will tell a secret regarding hamzad amal.


This kind of amal is done with the verses of Quran and with thenames of Allah. The ritual merely comprises on verses ofQuran and or name/names of Allah, and recited in different ways.
HAMZAD:These rituals contain names of gods and any or many goddess, if you know the meaning of ritual and it does not contain thewords of "SHIRK" you can do it. But if these are in a stranger language Muslims should avoid them. There is an incidence in hadith that a family was well known for the ritual of snake bitten, after they came in Islam they worried in using that ritual because they knew in Islam there is no such rituals permitted. They came to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) for the solutions of their problem as this ritual was a way of earning for them. Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) asked them to recite that ritual before him. They recited that ritual and Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said,"you cando it as it does not contains shirk."
In such kind of rituals the help comes from Satan.Doing evil activities and remain unsacred is always a particular part of ritual. Muslims should always avoid such kindof ritual because if any person dies duringDevil`s ritual, he will not be considered with death of a Muslim. These rituals are of shot duration and success rate is much high. Often as a result of such ritual, inpalce of Astral body some other evil powerappears before magician.
These are most dangerous and most effective rituals and ofshortest duration rituals. After doing anysingle magic ritual any Muslim is not considered as Muslim. He loses his Iman. Thisis the magic which wastaught by two angles namely Haroot and Maroot during the eraof Prophet Sulman(A.S). Whole story is mentioned in the books of Tafasir of Quran, as this is mentioned in Sura Baqra. This is the worse sin of this universe, in these kind of rituals the Divine book`s verses like theverses of Bible were changed and recited, and the same zulm was repeated when Islam spread. The verses of Quran are recited as reciprocally,i.e, word by word in opposite direction. Allah says in Quran:
انا نحن نزلنا ا لزکر وان لہ حافظون
"Ham ne nazil kia is nasihat ko, or ham hain iski hifazat karnaywalay"
I (Allah) granted this Quran, And I (Allah) am its protector"
And to nullify this protection and by calling the anger of Almighty Allah the magic is done.The verses of Quran they claim to recite them inreciprocal manner. Now a days you may see a book "Rajoo e Hamzad", it contains aritual of reciprocal "Bismillah", even heading is "RITUAL OFRECIPROCAL BISMILLAH", its writer Kash Al Barni writes inthis topic, "offer maghrib prayer ther on the place of ritual."A common Muslim is mis guided by words, he assumes that it an Islamic ritual and perform it. There is one other book "TASKHIRAT E HAMZAD" same ritual is written there in section of quranic rituals, why the writersdid this? either due to their ignorance or to misguide and to betray a Muslim, so ho much are Zanjani`sthe scholar of Islam orHamzad, you can easily imagine. You can read the opinion of four great Imams of Muslims and particularly a book by Imam Razi,Sir ul maktoom fi makhatba ti shams wal najoom.You will learn the reality of astrology and jafr by this book, Razi was really Imam on the artof spirituality, His name is a shining star in the galaxy of Muslim scholars and as a spiritual healer. The writer of Rajoo e Hamzad, Kash Al Barninarrated some rituals of Imam Razi in his book "AAMIL KAAMIL." The core proof of Imam Razi being a Ritual Imam are the words of Famous Islamic Scholar Hafiz Ibn e Kaseer, who was a student of Imam Ibn eTimia, who wrote in worldly famous, authentic and recognized book "Tafsir Ibn E Kaseer"
In these kind of ritualsastrology is much involved, as its believed that when astrology and jafr are combined, the effectiveness is maximized. Name, its assigned figures are ofimportance. Ritual is extracted with name by certain laws of Jafr.The ancient Greeks and Egyptians believedthat the universe is created with four natural elements, i.e, Fire,Water,Wind and Soil. They called them elements of creation of universe, so they believed that any human, any Djin and any else thing even the words are related to these elements. So they assigned differentwords for different elements, going deeply they assigned numbers for words, stars and zodiacs for words. So in short thiskind of rituals is extracted with this concept. So it is advised a amil should see his/her name, evaluate it and find what particular element is most suitable for his name, i.e, fire, water, soil andear and after gaining that element he should do only that ritual for hamzad which involves that particular element.