hamzad amal
As i told you that my this post is on an important topic regarding hamzad I hope that i could explain how is the field of soul and field of mind different. How an amil has a relation with soul. Do not even think that with help of some mental exercises you cancapture Hamzad. All of the mind exercises has an old origin with Hinduism and Buddhism. and the science of soul i.e, spirtuality has even deep origin with the first messenger Adam of Allah. Allah says in Quran, "They ask you about soul, tell them it is by the will (order) of Allah" spirituality is the art of messengers of Allah and meditation exercisesare the art of saints, choice is up to you, but remember these exercises willhelp you for Astral travels. I already explained Astral Body is aword of English substitute for word jism e Latif, but in a broadersense modern opinion of Astral body is related to mind and Islamic concept of Hamzad is related to soul. In astral projection you cant talk to astral body, you even can not give him any task even you can not call him to appear before you when you need him. Most surprisingly two astral bodies can mate each other... Is this spirituality? Is this our concept of Hamzad? Is This true? watch below this video i hope you will be able to differentiate between spirituality and mind sciences